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This documentation relates to an older version 3.3 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. View the current documentation home.

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17 July 2014Structure 2.8.1 fixes rank synchronization with JIRA Agile 6.4.

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1. Patch Release

This is a patch release based on version 2.8, which fixes a compatibility problem with JIRA Agile 6.4.

The following issues have been resolved:

Upgrade is recommended for all customers who have JIRA Agile 6.4+ installed and use the JIRA Agile synchronizer.

1.1. Rank Synchronization Fix

Rank synchronization stopped working after the ranking changes in JIRA Agile 6.4. This release restores the rank synchronization functionality.

Synchronizers based on Agile Boards should start working normally after upgrading to Structure 2.8.1. We recommend synchronizer owners to perform a manual resync after the upgrade to take care of any rank changes that may have been missed.

Custom Agile synchronizers will require reconfiguration, and their owners will receive e-mail notifications from Structure. The recommended course of action is to edit the synchronizer configuration (select the new Rank field) then resync and enable the synchronizer.

2. Supported JIRA Versions

Structure 2.8.1 supports JIRA versions 6.1 – 6.3.x.

3. Installation and Upgrade

Installation and upgrade are simple and done in the same way as for most other plugins. Please see Structure 2.8 Release Notes for details.

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