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This documentation relates to an older version 3.4 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. View the current documentation home.

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There are several bundled synchronizers coming with the Structure. Other synchronizers can be provided by other JIRA plugins.

  • Sub-Tasks SynchronizerSub-Tasks Synchronizer lets you have sub-tasks automatically placed under their respective parent issues in the structure.
  • Filter SynchronizerFilter Synchronizer lets you automatically add issues to structure or remove issues from structure based on a Saved Filter or a JQL query.
  • Links SynchronizerLinks Synchronizer maintains issue links between parent issue and children issues.
  • JIRA Agile (GreenHopper) SynchronizerJIRA Agile (GreenHopper) Synchronizer lets you synchronize the position of issues in the structure and on an Agile board (such as a Scrum or Kanban board) using Rank synchronization, and synchronize an Epic field with the position of stories under epics in the structure.
  • Status Rollup SynchronizerStatus Rollup synchronizer automatically aggregates statuses of the sub-issues and updates the status of the parent issue. For example, it can make parent issue Resolved if all sub-issues are Resolved.