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This documentation relates to an older version 3.5 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. View the current documentation home.

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The progress is calculated based on the issue’s Resolution field and the progress of sub-issues.
Calculating Progress for Issue Without Sub-Issues

If the issue does not have sub-issues:

  • If the issue's Resolution field is not empty, the progress is 100%.
  • Otherwise, the progress is 0%.
Calculating Progress for Issue with Sub-Issues

If the issue does have sub-issues:

  • If the issue's Resolution field is not empty, the progress is 100% - regardless of the sub-issues progress.
  • Otherwise, sub-issues progress is aggregated sum with specified weights.

Example: Resolution Only with Story Points

Individual progress is 0% or 100% based on Resolution field; total progress is calculated as weighted average, with weights contained in a Story Points field.

Column Configuration

Sample Structure





Sub-sub-issue 1.2

This issue is resolved (indicated by the green mark) - so it is complete


Sub-issue 1

It has two sub-issues with 0% and 100% progress, and story points are 2 and 3 respectively. So the total progress is weighted average value of (0 x 2 + 100 x 3) / (2 + 3)


Top issue

It has two sub-issues: sub-issue 1 is 60% done and sub-issue 2 is 0% done, and their cumulative story points are (2 + 3) and 1 respectively. So progress is (60 x 5 + 0 x 1) / (5 + 1)


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