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This documentation relates to an older version 4.3 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. Visit the current documentation home.

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Basic Moves

There are four basic operations that change structure. All of them are available on the toolbar, and they also can be done from keyboard. Hover mouse pointer over the operation button in the toolbar and a tooltip with the keyboard shortcut will appear.



Keyboard Shortcut

What it does

Move Up

Ctrl + Up

Without changing the items's parent, moves the item up and places it before the previous child - if possible.

Move Down

Ctrl + Down

Without changing the items's parent, moves the item down and places it after the next child - if possible.

Level Up / Outdent

Ctrl + Left

Move the item one level up. This will place the item after its parent.

Level Down / Indent

Ctrl + Right

Move the item to be a sub-issue of its current preceding sibling.

When you move an item that has sub-items, the whole sub-tree is moved.

When you make changes in the structure, they are uploaded to the server asynchronously, allowing you to continue working regardless of the network delay. You can do a rapid succession of the basic moves, for example, regardless of the time it takes to effect these changes on the server side. There's a synchronization icon in the widget status bar that tells whether there are pending uploads or downloads.

Moving an Item to an Arbitrary Position

The basic moves can only adjust item position one place at a time, so if you need to place an item at a specific position not close to its current position, you can do that with Drag-and-Drop or Cut & Paste. Cut & Paste also allows to copy hierarchy from one structure to another.

Moving item with Drag-and-Drop or Cut & Paste can be undone.

Multiple Selection

You can select multiple item and move them all together in one action. Move Up/Down and Level Up/Down support moving multiple item only if they are at the same level in the hierarchy and under the same parent. Drag & Drop and Copy & Paste support multiple item selection in any configuration.

See also: Selecting Multiple Items