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This documentation relates to an older version 4.4 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. Visit the current documentation home.

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If an issues belongs to a project for which the Structure add-on is enabled, the Structure widget is displayed on the issue details page. The widget is presented as a separate section, located right above the Activity section.

When you open an issue page with the structure section, the structure is chosen based on the Structure Options for the Issue Page.

The issue itself is automatically located and Pinned in the structure. This means only the parent issues and sub-issues of the viewed issue are displayed. You can unpin the issue to see the whole hierarchy by clicking the Pin button on the toolbar or by using a keyboard shortcut.

Starting with JIRA 6, search results on the Issue Navigator page can display the details of a selected issue. The details panel also contains Structure section. You may want to configure a view to fit only the necessary information in a narrower space left for the Structure widget.

Structure widget can be hidden from the Issue Details page. Please refer to the Structure Administration article for details.


There are several specific features on the Issue Page that are not present on the Structure Board:

Collapsing/Showing Structure Section

The section with the structure can be hidden, as any other section on the page. Once you hide the structure section, it will remain hidden even if you open another issue page.

Also, Structure section is automatically hidden if the issue you open does not belong to the selected structure. (This behavior can be adjusted in the Structure Options.)

When the structure section is hidden, the issue hierarchy is not loaded from the server – it will be loaded only when you first open the structure section.

The hidden flag is stored in a browser cookie or local storage, along with flags for other sections.

Structure Selection

As you open the issue details for the first time, you will see one of the structures that contain this issue (this behaviour can be adjusted through the Options).

To switch to a different structure, simply click the name of the currently displayed structure and select the one you want to see. You will see the structures that contain this issue in the top section of the displayed menu.

The structures, where this issue is added by some Generator will not be shown in the list of structures with this issue, as this would significantly affect the performance.

As you switch to another structure, this new structure is memorised and shown next time you open an issue.

Adding Issue to a Structure

If the issue you are viewing does not belong to the structure currently selected, you can add it to this structure. To do so unpin the issue by clicking the Pin button. Then in the structure that you'll see select an issue under which you want to add the issue you are viewing and click the Place button.

Now you can click the Pin button again to see only your issue and its parents and children.

If the issue is already in the structure, you can add another instance of it to the structure using the same approach. Unpin the issue, select a location for this new instance of the issue and click the Place button.

Structure Tools

Next to the Pin button you can see the ... button, which allows you to access some of the basic structure functions such as Add New issue, Expand/Collapse, Edit, Copy, Cut, Paste and Remove. Using it you can work with the structure in a similar way you work with it on the Structure Board. 

Views and Options Drop-Downs

Located at the right corner of the Structure section header are Views and Options icons.

Click Views icon to open Views Menu and select another view for the displayed structure.

The asterisk is shown next to the view name if it has been locally adjusted.

Click Options icon to open Structure Options for the Issue Page.

Adjusted Time Tracking Section

Structure plugin automatically sums up time tracking information from the sub-issues and displays aggregate values in the time tracking section. Whenever any change is detected in the child issues, the time tracking information is refreshed.

You can turn off time tracking aggregation by clearing the Include structure sub-issues check box. The standard JIRA time tracking will be shown (without Structure plugin). The browser will remember your preference and will show you original Time Tracking panel when you open other issues, until you select the Include structure sub-issues check box on again.

When time tracking section is not present, it means that neither the current issue nor its sub-issues have any time tracking info.

Activity tab

As you work with structures all changes are added to the JIRA Activity Stream. So in the Activity tab of the issue page you can see all such changes that affect the current issue. This may be useful if you want to find out why this issue is in that particular position within a structure, who and when added or moved it there. See Structure Activity Stream for more information.