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This documentation relates to an older version 4.5 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. Visit the current documentation home.

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You can apply most of the changes to multiple items in one action. Select multiple items and use toolbar, keyboard shortcut or drag and drop.

Some actions may have limitations of applicability when multiple items are selected. For example, if you select both a parent items and a sub-items, the "Outdent" action will not be possible.

The following actions work with the multi-selection:

  • Drag and drop lets you move a selection of items within a structure or add them to a structure from the secondary panels, such as Clipboard or Search Results.
  • Cut and paste allow you to move items both within a structure and between different structures.
  • Remove button or Delete key lets you remove multiple items from the structure.
  • Toolbar buttons Move Up, Move Down, Indent, Outdent are allowed for multiple items only if all items in the selection are at the same level in hierarchy and have the same parent item.
  • Bulk Change button lets you use JIRA bulk change wizard with selection of issues from the structure.

See Selecting Multiple Items for details about working with multi-selection.