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This documentation relates to an older version 4.5 of the Structure Plugin for JIRA. Visit the current documentation home.

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Once you install Structure you will see a new item added to the top-level navigation bar.

If you don't have any structures in your JIRA yet, the menu will allow you to create a new structure or see the Getting Started page, which will help you understand the main Structure functionality:

If you already have several structures, or have access to more than one structure, the menu will look like this:


The menu has several sections:

  1. Current Structure. Shows the last viewed structure. Click the structure name to open Structure Board with that structure.
  2. Recent Structures. Shows structures that you've visited recently, or those which have been recently updated. Click a structure to open it.
  3. Favorite Structures. Lists structures you have marked as your favorite. This section is absent if you don't have any favorite structures
  4. Default Structure. Shows the system-wide Default Structure. Also, if another default structure is defined for the current project, it is also shown in this section.