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This documentation relates to an older version 5.1 of the Structure for Jira. Visit the current documentation home.

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Sorting and Filtering

Sorting and Filtering are two kind of transformations you can apply really quick.

To sort your items, simply click the header of the column to sort the structure by this column in ascending order. On every level, the items will be sorted accordingly. To sort in descending order - click the column header again.

As you add the sorting, the Transformations button is highlighted, showing there are transformations applied:

To remove the sorting - click the Summary column header.

To apply a filter, you can run a search and then filter out non-matching items, or you can access the Quick Filters panel through the Filter button on the panel toolbar and select any of them.

Transformations Panel

All transformations can be added and modified on the transformations panel. To access it, click the Transformations button in the panel toolbar. The panel with the currently applied transformations will appear.

Once you add the transformations, they'll be preserved as you switch between structures if you are using the Structure selection in the widget, not the Structure menu. This allows you to quickly check several structures focusing on the issues you need.

There are several things you can do with transformations.


To add a new transformations, click the Add button in the Transformations toolbar and select one of the available transformations.


To edit an existing transformation, click the transformation name - for Grouping and Sorting you can quickly select a column by which you want to sort or group, for Filtering and Extending, select the type of filter or extender. You can also click the Edit button, to open the transformation Edit Dialog with all the options. The options you see are the same as generators have.

Remove a Transformation

To remove a transformation, click the transformation name and select Remove from the menu that appears.

Hide Transformations Panel

After you've configured your transformations, you can hide the panel, so it doesn't take up the screen space. Click the up arrow button on the right side of the transformations panel to hide it.

Remove All Transformations

To remove all transformations, click the cross button on the right side of the transformations panel.

Save Transformations

Users who have Control permission on a structure can save transformations as Quick Transformations, associated with that structure.

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