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You are viewing documentation for Structure Server and Data Center version 5.4 and patch releases. For other versions, see Version Index or [Structure Cloud].

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By default, any logged-in user with access to Structure can create new structures of their own. However, you can restrict this ability to one or more user groups.

To select who can create new structures:

  1. Navigate to Administration | Structure | Configuration.
  2. Click Select Who Can Create Structures.
  3. Select whether new structures can be created by Anyone with access to Structure or by Users in selected groups/roles.
  4. If permissions are based on groups/roles, use drop-down menu to choose either Group or Project, and then select the required group name or project/role combination. To search the list, simply select the field and begin typing. Click Add to include the selected group/role. Note: If project is set to "Any", this means that users should be in a specified role for any of structure-enabled projects.
  5. You can remove permission option by clicking the trash can icon on the right of the option. 
  6. Click Apply when done or Cancel to dismiss your changes.

The user also needs general access to Structure to be able to create new structures.

Users who have JIRA Administrators global permission are always allowed to create new structures.

Structure maintains a cache of users permissions with regards to each structure. In most cases, the cache is recalculated automatically, but in some cases Structure may miss a change in a user's groups or roles. This could mean that the changed permissions for the user do not take effect until several minutes later (but only with regards to Structure Permissions).

A user can force the cache to be recalculated by doing a hard refresh from the browser. Typically, it's done by holding Ctrl or Shift or both and clicking the Refresh button.