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This documentation relates to an older version 1.4 of the Structure.Gantt. Visit the [current documentation home].

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If you need two or more similar (but different) configurations, you can start by creating a copy of an existing configuration.

Create an Exact Copy

If you want to create an identical copy of an existing configuration, open the Gantt Chart Settings screen and click Manage configurations.

Find the configuration you want to copy, open it's Actions menu (...) and select Copy.

This will create an exact copy of the original configuration, which you can rename and customize as necessary, without affecting the original.

Create a Copy with Changes

You can also open an existing configuration, update it and save your changes as a new configuration.

To do this, open the original configuration in Gantt configuration and make any necessary changes. Instead of clicking the Save button, click Save as Copy.

Give the new configuration a unique name (1). If you want to switch to the new configuration, check the Make new config active checkbox (2); otherwise, leave it blank.

Any changes you made from the original configuration will now be part of the new configuration. The original configuration will remain unchanged.