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This documentation relates to an older version 1.4 of the Structure.Gantt. Visit the [current documentation home].

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With the release of version 2.0 we are making Structure.Gantt a paid app. You can find the new pricing in the tables below:


User Tier


25 users


50 users


100 users


250 users


500 users


2,000 users


10,000 users


10,000+ users


Data Center

Jira DC License


Jira DC License


50 users


100 users


250 users


500 users


750 users


1,000 users


2,000 users


3,000 users


4,000 users


5,000 users


6,000 users


7,000 users


8,000 users


9,000 users


10,000 users


11,000 users


12,000 users


13,000 users


14,000 users


15,000 users


20,000 users


25,000 users


30,000 users


35,000 users


40,000 users


45,000 users


50,000 users




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