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This documentation relates to an older version 5.2 of the Structure for Jira. Visit the current documentation home.

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The “Double-check sub-issues” option is useful when you want to build and, more importantly, maintain a Structure, where you have a certain set of issues on the top level and then all the issues that are linked to them added under them.

Specifically the Double-Check option is necessary for removing from the structure the top level issues and all the issues linked to them, when the top level issue no longer passes the filter of the synchronizer.

Here is an example.

You are trying to build a structure, where you have all Open Stories on the top level and then the issues which block them added below.

To build this structure you will need to configure the Filter synchroniser, which will add Open Stories to the top level and the Links synchroniser, which will add linked issues.

You can find more information on Link Synchroniser in this article.

To get the list of the top level issues you can use the JQL query, which looks like this:

issuetype = Story and status = open

However, if you use this as the filter query and select the remove option, the Filter Synchroniser will remove all children, which will be added by the Link Synchronizer, because the children do not pass the JQL query.

To solve this problem you can extend the query with S-JQL expression, which returns both parents and their children, which are already in the structure - this will prevent the Filter Synchronizer from removing children from the Structure:

(issuetype = Story and status = Open) or issue in structure(“Open Stories Structure“, "issueOrAncestor in [type = Story and status = Open]”)

For more information on S-JQL please refer to the documentation.

Now the last step is the removal of the Story and issues linked to it when the status of the story changes. If the Double-Check option is not selected, once the Story status changes the synchronizer will see, that the Story should be removed, but will think that the children still pass the filter (because there were no explicit changes done to them). As a result it will keep both the Story and the children in the Structure. Selecting the Double-Check option will force it to check if the children still pass the filter and it will remove the whole branch.

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